social responsability mandate is to support and collaborate to better educational and employment opportunities for the Spanish-speaking community. The resources obtained from donations to Canada Habla Español will be used to finance our scholarship program aimed to pay for the application fees for low-income students to access post-secondary education.


Social Justice Initiative
All the activities that Canada Habla Español organizes aim to support the scholarship program for low-income Latin American that do not have resources to apply to the post-secondary education nor have tools like laptop or other tools. Join us to give a world of opportunities to our community.
Make an e-transfer to: luz.madronero@canadahablaespanol.org
Through event Toronto se viste de letras, we were able to fund 5 registration fee scholarships that will be donated to TCDSB guidance department.
Track record of success?
Commemoration Spanish Day in Toronto April 23, 2021
Commemoration Spanish Day in Toronto April 22 and 23, 2022
Commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month (October 2022)
Commemoration Spanish Day in Toronto, Toronto se viste de letras, April 21, 2023
LATAM Young-preneur conference Toronto April 25, 2023